The technique deserves to be more well known than it is, because it gives good learning performance (when the associated kernel is a good choice for the problem), it is straightforward to implement, and it is very fast. I'm hoping that I can increase awareness by providing a simple implementation on a well-known dataset, and in that spirit here is a Matlab script which applies the technique to mnist. Before running this you need to download mnist in matlab format, and download maxent and lbfgs for matlab.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 | rand( 'seed' ,867); randn( 'seed' ,5309); tic fprintf( 'loading mnist' ); % get mnist from http: //cs /data/mnist_all .mat load( 'mnist_all.mat' ); trainx=single([train0; train1; train2; train3; train4; train5; train6; train7; train8; train9]) /255 .0; testx=single([test0; test1; test2; test3; test4; test5; test6; test7; test8; test9]) /255 .0; st=[size(train0,1); size(train1,1); size(train2,1); size(train3,1); size(train4,1); size(train5,1); size(train6,1); size(train7,1); size(train8,1); size(train9,1)]; ss=[size(test0,1); size(test1,1); size(test2,1); size(test3,1); size(test4,1); size(test5,1); size(test6,1); size(test7,1); size(test8,1); size(test9,1)]; paren = @(x, varargin) x(varargin{:}); yt=[]; for i=1:10; yt=[yt; repmat(paren(eye(10),i,:),st(i),1)]; end ys=[]; for i=1:10; ys=[ys; repmat(paren(eye(10),i,:),ss(i),1)]; end clear i st ss clear train0 train1 train2 train3 train4 train5 train6 train7 train8 train9 clear test0 test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 test6 test7 test8 test9 fprintf( ' finished: ' ); toc tic fprintf( 'computing random feature map' ); % (uncentered) pca to 50 ... makes subsequent operations faster, % but also makes the random projection more efficient by focusing on % where the data is opts.isreal = true ; [ v ,~]=eigs(double(trainx '*trainx),50,' LM',opts); trainx=trainx* v ; testx=testx* v ; clear v opts; % estimate kernel bandwidth using the "median trick" % this is a standard Gaussian kernel technique [n,k]=size(yt); [m,p]=size(testx); sz=3000; perm=randperm(n); sample=trainx(perm(1:sz),:); norms= sum (sample.^2,2); dist=norms*ones(1,sz)+ones(sz,1)*norms '-2*sample*sample' ; scale=1 /sqrt (median(dist(:))); clear sz perm sample norms dist; % here is the actual feature map: % Gaussian random matrix, uniform phase, and cosine d=4000; r=randn(p,d); b=2.0*pi*rand(1,d); trainx=cos(bsxfun(@plus,scale*trainx*r,b)); testx=cos(bsxfun(@plus,scale*testx*r,b)); fprintf( ' finished: ' ); toc tic fprintf( 'starting logistic regression (this takes a while)\n' ); % get @maxent and lbfgs.m from http: //www /code/ % if you get an error about randint being undefined, change it to randi addpath recognition; addpath opt; addpath local ; C0=maxent(k,d); [~,trainy]=max(yt'); options.MaxIter=300; options.Display= 'off' ; C1=train(C0,trainy,trainx, 'gauss' ,4.2813,[],[],[],options); % regularizer was chosen by cross-validation as follows %perm=randperm(n); %it=logical(zeros(1,n)); %it(perm(1:int32(0.8*n)))=1; %[C1,V]=cvtrain(C0,trainy(perm),trainx(perm,:), 'gauss' ,10.^linspace(-4,4,20), ... % [],0,[],it,[],@accuracy); fprintf( 'finished: ' ); toc fprintf( 'train accuracy is %g\n' ,accuracy(C1,trainy,trainx)); [~,testy]=max(ys'); fprintf( 'test accuracy is %g\n' ,accuracy(C1,testy,testx)); |
Here's the result of running the script on my laptop:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | >> clear all; cosplay loading mnist finished: Elapsed time is 2.227499 seconds. computing random feature map finished: Elapsed time is 6.994094 seconds. starting logistic regression (this takes a while ) finished: Elapsed time is 219.007670 seconds. train accuracy is 0.99905 test accuracy is 0.9822 |
If you like this sort of thing, make sure to check out the Randomized Methods for Machine Learning workshop at NIPS 2013.